Avgidea Query Editor
You may execute a query on a SPARQL instance scattered on internet, then generate query results into Google Sheets directly. Users may start working on tasks such as data analysis or aggregation immediately.
Executing a query
Users follow steps below to enter a SPARQL endpoint and query to execute, then directly import query results into the sheet.
1. Click on Google Sheets' menu, Executions -> avgidea -> Query Editor -> as Dialog or as Sidebar.
as Dialog: launch a query editor at the center of the sheet and execute a query
as Sidebar: launch a query editor at the right-hand side of the sheet and execute a query
2. Specify a SPARQL endpoint at Data Set field and then, enter an arbitrary query in Query field. Submit a query by clicking Run button or pressing Command + Enter keys.
If the query is executed successfully, query results will be loaded into the sheet.