Avgidea Advertising

Avgidea Advertising ( AA ) PRODUCT AVGIDEA, INC.

Users can load the targeting list created in Avgidea Data Platform into Google Sheets, add or delete rows on the sheet, and then reflect (overwrite or merge) the changes into Avgidea Data Platform.

To use this functionality, a subscription license for Avgidea Data Platform Premium must be purchased.

Loading a targeting list

You can load a previously created targeting list into the sheet.

1. Click on Google Sheets' menu, Extensions -> avgidea -> Advertising -> Targeting.

2. Select the workspace and targeting list to be loaded, and click the LOAD button.

3. Select the following attributes and click the RUN button to load the list on the sheet.

  • username: User name

  • followerscount: Number of followers

  • createdAt: Account creation date

  • description: Account profile text

Saving a Targeting List

After adding or deleting items from the targeting list on the sheet, you can save the changes to the Avgidea Data Platform. Unless you do this, changes made on the sheet will not be reflected in Avgidea Data Platform.

1. Click on Google Sheets' menu, Extensions -> avgidea -> Advertising -> Targeting.

2. Select the workspace and targeting list to be loaded, and click the SAVE button.

3. Enter the following parameters and click the RUN button to save the list on the sheet.

  • Specify User ID column: A column containing the user's name

  • Select the saving policy: The policy under which the list will be saved.

    1. override: delete all items from the target targeting list in Avgidea Data Platform and register all users on the sheet

    2. merge: Add all users on the sheet to the target targeting list in Avgidea Data Platform. Duplicate users will be overwritten.

  • Skip first N rows: skip the first N rows of the sheet and save the list.